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Top Tips for your Child’s Teeth

 Sunday 14th May 2017 is National Children’s Day.  Its purpose is to raise awareness of how important a healthy childhood is to a child's development.  Therefore we decided that a blog all about children’s dental heath would be the perfect way for us to celebrate all those children out there!

  1.  Start good oral hygiene habits ASAP.  Start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they have cut through the gum and use an age appropriate fluoride toothpaste.  Make sure that the child doesn’t swallow any of the toothpaste and that they spit and don't rinse after brushing.
  2. Supervise brushing. Children don’t have the manual dexterity to brush their teeth properly until they are least 7 years of age so it’s important that a parent or guardian helps a child to brush their teeth, especially those teeth at the back of the mouth.
  3. Don’t let your child go to sleep with a bottle filled with anything other than water.  Milk (both breast and formula) contain natural sugars which, if allowed to come into contact with the teeth for a long period of time, can lead to cavities.
  4. Make sure that you schedule your child’s first dental exam when teeth start to erupt. The earlier the child starts visiting the dentist, the sooner they will get used to the experience.  Also remain as positive as possible about visits even if you yourself are a nervous wreck!
  5. Be aware of any potential dangers within the home.  Approximately 50% of children will experience some type of trauma to their teeth or mouth so try and make sure your house is as safe as possible.
  6. When adult molars have erupted sufficiently, your dentist may recommend fissure sealants which are protective coatings painted on the teeth to help prevent decay.
  7. Watch their sugar intake.  Keep snacks to a minimum and try and limit them to mealtimes if possible.




789 Upper Newtownards Road, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2QY