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Sugar Swap September

We are supporting Denplans Sugar Swap September.  We all know that too much sugar is bad for us, but cutting out sugar completely isn't easy. So we're encouraging everyone to cut, not quit, their sugar intake for the month of September!

Our diets generally contain more than enough sugar from naturally-occurring sources such as whole fruits, vegetables and milk (these are intrinsic sugars).   We don’t need the extra sugar that is in many processed foods and drinks.  By swapping high sugar foods for ones that are healthier, you will not only feel good, but it will have a positive effect on your health as well.

Giving up added sugar for 30 days (and beyond!) can have many benefits to your oral health and overall health:

Reduce the chance of tooth decay

Every time you have a sugary food or drink, bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugar and produce harmful acids which can lead to holes appearing in your teeth.  This is known as tooth decay. It takes your saliva around an hour to neutralise these acids and return your mouth to normal. Therefore the more times you expose your teeth to sugar a day, the more “acid attacks” occur, which can increase your chances of tooth decay.

You may lose weight

Processed foods tend to be high in calories but most of those calories are nutritionally empty.  It can also lead to unwanted fat storage especially around the stomach, hips and buttocks.

More energy

It’s a common misconception that sugar is a good option for keeping you energised throughout the day. Although sugar does provide a boost of energy, its effects are short-lived and can actually make you feel worse. Lean protein and good quality carbohydrates such as wholewheat pasta and brown rice are good options for keeping you fueled. 

Help your skin

Did you know that sugar has been linked to premature aging? Over-consumption of sugar can weaken collagen and elastin, accelerating the rate at which wrinkles appear. Some people also report they have clearer, less spot-prone skin when they reduce their sugar consumption. 

Type 2 diabetes and heart disease

Researchers are increasingly finding links between high sugar diets and conditions such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. We know that high sugar diets increase your chances of weight gain, and being overweight is thought to be a major cause of both Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  

Reduce your sugar cravings

High sugar foods can cause massive releases of dopamine in the reward part of the brain which for many people, can become strongly addictive.  By cutting down on sugar, these cravings will then be reduced.




789 Upper Newtownards Road, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2QY