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Different Orthodontic Treatments and What They Achieve

At Dental Care Dundonald, we offer 3 different types of orthodontic treatment for straightening teeth.  Here's a round up of what they are and what they achieve.

Cfast braces

These are fixed braces with consist of clear brackets with a white wire.


  • Move the front 6 teeth otherwise known as the “Social Six” as they are the teeth that people see when you smile.
  • Can be used for more situations that the removable appliances.
  • Can move teeth more quickly than the removable appliances.
  • Fixed in place and therefore people can’t remove them and therefore forget about them
  • Discreet due to the colour


  • Not removable
  • Diet has to be altered slightly whilst the braces are on i.e. no toffees, caramels etc.

Inman Aligner

The Inman Aligner is a removable appliance which is designed to move the front 4 teeth quickly and safely


  • Treatment time can be as little as 6-18 weeks depending on the degree of crowding and patient compliance
  • It is removable and therefore can be removed for social events, photos etc.
  • Moves teeth quickly and safely


  • Must be worn for at least 20 hours a day.  Anything less and this can lead to an increase in treatment time.
  • As it is removable, you may take it out and forget to put it back in or even misplace the appliance.
  • It can affect your speech and therefore may not be suitable for someone who is involved in a lot of face to face contact as part of their job

Clear Aligners

A series of removable clear aligners which are changed every 2 weeks


  • They are removable and therefore can be removed for social events
  • Very discreet
  • Perfect for those who cannot or do not want to have fixed braces


  •  Must be worn for at least 22 hours a day otherwise treatment time will increase
  • As it can be removed, you may forget to put the aligner back in or may even lose it.
  • Unlike fixed braces, the teeth can only be moved a fraction at a time and therefore treatment time may be a little longer.

We offer FREE consultations for anyone considering braces so please contact our reception team on 028 9048 3119  today.




789 Upper Newtownards Road, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2QY